Colonial Academy Programs
Alternative Education for Disruptive Youth (AEDY)
The Alternative Education for Disruptive Youth program provides temporary placement for students who meet the definition of a "disruptive student" under 24 P.S. § 19-1901-C (5). The student will have exhibited any of the following conditions while on school property or during a school-affiliated activity:
- Disregard for school authority, including persistent violation of school policy and rules;
- Display of or use of controlled substances on school property or during school-affiliated activities;
- Violent or threatening behavior on school property or during school-affiliated activities;
- Possession of a weapon on school property, as defined under Pa. C.S. § 912 (relating to possession of a weapon on school property);
- Commission of a criminal act on school property or during school-affiliated activities;
- Misconduct that would merit suspension or expulsion under school policy.
Colonial Academy Programs and Services (CAPS)
CAPS is a personalized learning program. Every student will participate in the planning of their educational goals and track those goals to ensure they are progressing within the program. Students will work on academic instruction using a combination of online instruction and direct teacher instruction, offered via Colonial Academy and their home school. Students within this program will, at times, work independent of others to meet their unique educational plan.
Emotional Support
Designed for students with emotional and behavioral needs that surpass what can be provided in a traditional school setting.
Autistic Support
An educational program that concentrates on the behavioral, social, and communication skills of students who have a diagnosis within the Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Various methods, such as the Picture Exchange Communication System, sensory integration, verbal behavior, and task analysis are utilized to teach students.
Life Skills
Students receive functional academics and vocational skills in addition to behavioral health support.
Culinary Arts
Students learn culinary fundamentals to enhance and facilitate employment interest and personal growth. The opportunity to practice learned skills in the community is an option.
Construction Management
Students learning basic construction and landscaping skills to enhance and facilitate employment interest and personal growth. The opportunity to practice learned skills in the community is an option.
Art Education
Students are involved in weekly activities designed to develop expression, coping skills, and artistic talent. Students are encouraged to be creative and showcase what they have learned.