Professional Development » Flexible Instructional Days (FIDs)

Flexible Instructional Days (FIDs)

What are Flexible Instructional Days (FIDs)?

The Pennsylvania Department of Education has approved Flexible Instructional Day (FID) programs that districts and other school entities can use as a means to deliver instruction to students in the event that regular instruction is unavailable. Instances where a FID may be used can include weather emergencies, an epidemic, and other factors that may cause traditional instruction methods to be unsafe. Flexible Instructional Days work as a supplement to the make-up days that each district or school entity is required to build into their calendars. Unlike regular inclement weather closures, FIDs do not require the use of one of a make-up day later in the school year.


To visit PDE's website for more general information on Flexible Instructional Day programs, click here.
Details for CIU20's Flexible Instructional Days can be found by expanding the topics below.

Students will be expected to complete lessons for classes that are typically scheduled for that day to include specials such as physical education, health, art, music, library and counseling. Assignments will be graded and/or assigned a point value. Students will have a three day window to complete the assignments that were assigned on the flexible instructional day in case more support is needed upon returning to in-person instruction.

Student attendance is mandatory and will be documented.  If students are not in attendance on a flexible instructional day the date will be counted as an absence.

Colonial Intermediate Unit 20 (CIU20) Classrooms located in Northampton, Monroe, and Pike County School District School Buildings:

Students who attend CIU20 classrooms, grades K through age 21, located in school district buildings will have access to instruction on flexible instructional days through synchronous and asynchronous learning activities.

Platforms of planned instruction and activities by CIU20 Program:

  • Therapeutic Emotional Support & Partial Hospitalization Programs: Seesaw will be used for Kindergarten - Grade 2 while Schoology will be used for Grades 3 through age 21. Conferencing with students and families will be available through the Zoom platform.

  • Life Skills Support, Multi-Disabilities, Physical Support, Autistic Support, and  Hearing Support Programs: These programs will utilize Zoom, Google Classrooms, and Google Meet to deliver instruction to their students.

  • All CIU20 Classroom Programs and Related Service Providers will work to meet family and student needs who do not have access to internet/Wi-Fi or a device by conducting phone conferences and providing paper resources. These families will be identified ahead of the flexible instructional day to ensure instruction will be available to all students.

  • Flexible Instructional Day lessons will be designed for students with special needs utilizing their program modifications, specially designed instruction and supplementary aids and services identified in their individualized education plans.

    • Implications for flexible instructional days will be discussed at the students’ annual IEP meeting where the team will consider if particular needs require additional supports due to the nature of a FID and will include those additional supports in the IEP specially designed instruction (SDI) section.

    • Scheduled Related Services will be provided via Zoom platform. If the student does not have access to internet/WiFi or a device, the related service session will be made up during the remainder of the school year as a compensatory service.

Families and students will be provided directions on accessing the instruction, activities, schedule and online platforms from the classroom teacher via email, phone call, and/or paper resources sent home.

Student Participation

Students who do not return assignments or log onto their learning platforms and participate throughout the day will be counted as absent from school. This absence can impact students attendance rates and for some students, truancy citations can be issued. Teachers will be required to log attendance into IEPWriter by 10:00 AM. For students who do not have access to a device and/or WiFi and submit the offline assignments their attendance will be updated once they return to school.

  • Students who are absent will be documented absent in the student management system.

  • Students will be expected to make up the learning activities and assignments within three days of returning to school just as if it were any other absence from school.

  • A written excuse from the parent and/or guardian is required on the return date. School District Attendance Policies will be in effect.

Colonial Academy (alternative school operated by CIU20)

Students who attend Colonial Academy will have access to their primary learning management system, Schoology, for classroom assignments and conferencing with classroom staff. Students will also have access to Google Classrooms for assignments. Finally, students will have access to Edgenuity for their academic core classes and credit recovery programs. 

Students who do not have access to the internet or who do not have a device at home will be provided phone conferencing with their teacher and other classroom staff (associate teacher, mental health worker) to review and discuss assignments for the flexible instructional day and what they can do from home to obtain equitable access to the content/concepts being delivered on the flexible instructional day.

  • Flexible Instructional Day lessons will be designed for students with special needs utilizing their program modifications, specially designed instruction and supplementary aids and services identified in their individualized education plans.

    • Implications for flexible instructional days will be discussed at the students’ annual IEP meeting where the team will consider if particular needs require additional supports due to the nature of a FID and will include those additional supports in the IEP specially designed instruction (SDI) section.

    • Scheduled Related Services will be provided via Zoom Platform. If the student does not have access to internet/WiFi or a device; the related service session will be made up during the remainder of the school year as a compensatory service.

Families and students will be provided directions on accessing the instruction, activities, schedule and online platforms from the classroom teacher via email, phone call, and/or paper resources sent home.

Student Participation

  • Students who do not return assignments or log onto their courses and participate throughout the day will be counted as absent from school. This absence can impact students attendance rates and for some students, truancy citations can be issued. Teachers will be required to log attendance for each class period of the day. Homeroom attendance will be taken and logged into PowerSchool by 10:00 AM. For students who do not have access to a device and/or WiFi and submit the offline assignments their attendance will be updated one they return to school.

  • Students will be expected to make up the learning activities and assignments within three days of returning to school just as if it were any other absence from school.
  • A written excuse from the parent and/or guardian is required on the return date. School District Attendance Policies will be in effect.
  • Teachers will provide 3 hours of instruction daily 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM (whole group, small group, 1:1, and/or independent assignments.)

  • Classroom staff, support staff, classroom mental health professionals and support staff, and administrators will be available from 1:00 PM-3:00 PM for individual assistance via email and other designated programs such as Schoology, Seesaw, and Google Classrooms depending on the platform used in each specific CIU20 Student Services Program. (Student Services Program information is listed on this page under “What will our students do on a FID?”)

  • Paraprofessionals will take their daily responsibilities from the direction of the Special Education teacher of the classroom they are assigned to. Responsibilities may vary in each CIU 20 Classroom Program according to the needs of the teacher, students, and families. They may include:

    • Being available for student(s) who may need more instruction in review activities.

    • Working with a special education teacher on modifications, accommodations, and check-ins.

    • Providing check-ins with specific students at the discretion of the special education teacher.

    • Checking-in with general education with whom they are pushing into their content area for the direction of how to support students with IEPs in their classroom. (if applicable)

    • Participating in assigned planned instruction to provide enrichment and review activities and IEP goals with students.

  • Program Specialists, school nurses, school psychologists, and community liaisons will be responsible for supporting staff and families. This includes:

    • Utilizing Zoom to virtually meet with students and parents, and teams where needed.

    • Be available via email to respond to needs of support.

    • School Nurses will respond to families who submit needs/concerns/questions during CIU 20 Virtual Heath Room hours 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM.

  • Mental Health Treatment Specialist and Mental Health Worker Expectations:

    • Offering Individual, Group, Family Counseling and Social Emotional Learning
      (SEL) to clients/students as typically scheduled on a flexible instructional day.

    • Maintaining open communication with families and documenting supports given.

    • Coordinating psychiatric consultation where appropriate.

    • Supporting the delivery of classroom educational supports.

    • Providing crisis response support when necessary.
Notification of a flexible instructional day will be communicated to students, families, and professional staff via school districts automated notification system via phone and email. Notification will also be posted on the school district websites, social media, and local news station outlets. These communications will detail that the school district where the CIU20 classroom(s) are located are using a "Flexible Instructional Day" and the day will not need to be made up during the school year.

Colonial Academy (alternative school operated by CIU20)

Notification of a flexible instructional day will be communicated to students, families, and professional staff via Colonial Intermediate Unit 20’s One Call  automated notification system via phone and email. Notification will also be posted on Colonial Intermediate Unit 20’s website, social media, and local news station outlets. These communications will detail that Colonial Academy is using a "Flexible Instructional Day" and the day will not need to be made up during the school year.

In addition, an email will go out to all staff who can then reach out to students/parents individually if needed.

All CIU20 Classroom Programs and Related Service Providers will work to meet family and student needs who do not have access to internet/wifi or a device by conducting phone conferences and providing paper resources. These families will be identified ahead of the flexible instructional day to ensure instruction will be available to all students.

If families and/or students do not have access to WiFi or a device at home, families should make teachers aware of a need for a paper-copy version of the assignment.  A paper-copy version of the assignment will be provided to the student by their teacher prior to the flexible instructional day.