Special Education Section » Feeding Evaluations & Interventions

Feeding Evaluations & Interventions

CIU 20 provides specialized evaluation and intervention for children with documented or suspected difficulties with safe and effective eating at school and at home. Members of the CIU 20 Feeding Team have been trained in Sequential Oral Sensory Approach (SOS), and have expertise in oral motor difficulties.
The team consists of a licensed speech-language pathologist, an occupational therapist, a registered nurse, and the program supervisor. The service includes a thorough assessment that incorporates the components of motor planning, positioning and seating, oral-motor abilities, sensory processing, respiration, and digestion/nutrition. This is followed by a detailed report, communication with family / caregivers, therapists and educational team, and therapeutic intervention, as appropriate.

Referrals for feeding evaluations are done by contacting a student's Local Education Agency (LEA). For more information on the program, please contact:

Ms. Kelly Hixon, Supervisor of Special Education for the Sensory Impaired Programs
Speech Pathologist - CIU20 Feeding Team
Colonial Intermediate Unit 20
[email protected]